Sunday, November 30

Been a While

Turns out the towing company put the charge back on and it went through. Because, you know, they're a scummy towing company.

Twilight came out last Friday. Kristen Whatever-her-face-is is a TERRIBLE actor and parts of the movie are kind of weird, but I'm still somehow addicted. I think it may have something to do with how absolutely gorgeous Robert Pattinson is. As a side note, I hate Jacob in the books, and the actor is not cute. Just doesn't do it for me. Sorry Taylor Lautner, but you will always be Sharkboy to me.

Tuesday, November 18


Check out my new furry friend! =] You can feed him!

Courtney's boyfriend called the tow truck company and was able to get a FULL REFUND! Because the towing company filled out the paper/receipt they gave us wrong. So that's a load off my back! :)

In Chico I was able to find a new battery charger for my video camera, which makes me super happy. I was starting to itch without it.

Saturday, November 15


Last night my car was towed from the apartment parking lot I'm visiting in Chico. This morning I had to pick it up, so Courtney's boyfriend drove Courtney and I to the place it was towed to. It cost freaking $210 to get my car back. It would have been like $295 but the guy was pretty nice and didn't charge the gate-opening fee. Baaaaaah. At least I have my car, and we put a permit in it so it doesn't get towed again.

Thursday, November 13

Chico Chico Chico

I leave for Chico tomorrow after school!! Happy Birthday Courtney! I can't wait =)

Halloween Crafts

I stumbled on this today, and felt I had to share.

Saturday, November 8

Oh Boy

Let me tell you how excited I am for working during the holiday season:


That pretty much sums it up. But hopefully I'll have more hours and more money. =) Always a plus.

Today I started putting together my Christmas list - most everything on my list right now is a video game - and what isn't a video game is something Harry Potter related. I'm so predictable.

Also, be sure to check out my new link on the linkbar at the top - Super Obama World. It's pretty fantastic.

Wednesday, November 5


Today I learned that the signed alphabet in New Zealand is the same as the one in England (so I'm assuming that's the same for Australia - I don't know if New Zealand and Australia sign the same or not). A friend on Sunday speculated that Australia was under English rule for a while, which I had forgotten about. So it makes way more sense to me now.
Anywho, not much really happened today. I should have done homework, but I didn't, so that's about it.
The workers at the Apple store from Switzerland leave Friday morning, so tomorrow is the last day they'll be here. Sad day :( They're a lot of fun.

Tuesday, November 4

Be Happy!

Kristi put up a note with a list of things that makes her happy, so here is my follow-up :)
I may come back and edit this from time to time as I think of more things.

Fiction books that don't suck
Bumping the super loud techno music and totally nerding out
Harry Potter
English Horn
my iPhone
my MacBook
Zelda games
Grapefruit juice
My doggies
My family (sometimes)
Anything pomegranate
Being in Fremont
Institute/Church/The Gospel
The Backstreet Boys
Pictures & photographs
Days where I don't do anything
New clothes
Clean room (notice that that is an adjective, not a verb)
Hot chocolate
Board games
The right to vote/the right to my opinion
The third graders at CSD
Stick shifting
Flip flops
Mexican food
Staying up all night
Inside jokes
Lord of the Rings
The heater at my house
Visiting Oregon
The color green
Friends' blogs
European and Australian accents
Apple employees from out of country

More to come, I'm sure. But I have to leave for work!

Sunday, November 2


Today I was on - a website that has a bunch of links to various vlogs/blogs related to Deafness and sign language. I ran across one vlog of a deaf man in England who uses BSL (British Sign Language), which was very interesting. He also had a few videos of himself signing in ASL, since he is in the process of learning it. I ran across another vlog of a signer using Auslan - Australian sign language. I already knew that BSL sometimes uses both hands to fingerspell, but watching the Auslan vlog I realized that Auslan does too. I think it's really weird that two out of three English-speaking countries would use both hands to fingerspell - it just seems so cumbersome to me. But anyway, I also ran across one blog of a hearing person who is learning ASL, and she is LDS. She talked about how one missionary promised their congregation that if they read the whole Book of Mormon in another language, they would have it mastered, and then she started talking about how she started watching the ASL version of the Book of Mormon. HOW COOL IS THAT?! I didn't even know it existed! I'm totally psyched; I am so going to do it!

Here's Nephi 1:1

Saturday, November 1

Rain! :)

Rainy weather makes me want to write.
Unfortunately, I feel like I have nothing to write about.