Friday, October 31


It is amazing to me how people behave towards someone when something doesn't go the way it was originally planned. Granted, I may not know a lot about certain situations, but making public comments about peoples' friends that are intended to be hurtful, no matter what the case, is nothing but a sign of immaturity. If you decide you're going to be immature all over your own Facebook, Myspace, Blog, whatever, go right ahead. But your comments will be deleted when you do it on mine.

I am Frustrated...

...with my "post a comment" things not working!!

Wednesday, October 29


Tra-la-la! I switched shifts with somebody for tomorrow night, so now I can go to the NMBC party at the institute! I'm excited to carve some pumpkins!!

I decided what I'm going to dress up as, so today I went to Target to get some jewelry for my costume. I wound up spending fifty bucks :( Oh well. I like Halloween, and hopefully most of it I'll find some excuse to wear again. Pictures to come, I'm sure!

Tuesday, October 28

Trick or Treat! :)

I voted yesterday! Go me! I am a responsible American citizen. Make sure you do the same!! (Learn how to vote early in Santa Clara County here).

Also, if you're ever extremely bored and have nothing better to do, Target (especially during Halloween time) never fails to provide plenty of amusement:

And just as a side note, I will be very excited when it is December and this semester is over.